Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 4 (Day 120) Alive


I can't believe "Hopper" is still alive!  We found him wandering far from home, in our dry backyard last summer.  My son insisted (or was it the hubby?) that we cage him and keep him.  That was 6 months ago!  While it was still warm outside, we tried to convince MJ to release him.  Nope.  "Til death do us part, I guess!  This picture reminds me that his water dish needs a scrubbin'!  Yuck!


  1. I am an advocate for free frogs but would love to know what you feed him to keep him ALIVE?

  2. Well have to admit, he is really kinda cute! I hope you are not like my house...my boys found a painted turtle almost 10 yrs ago...and he is still a resident lol My twin boys are 17 and love that turtle as much as the day they found him! I told them when they go to college the turtle goes with them lol

  3. Free pets or free pets? LOL. Free pets are never free, are they?

  4. You have really photographed him well. Your crop is perfect. And yes, what DO you feed him?

  5. We feed him these nasty dried meal worms. Yuck! But he seems to like them! I am still hoping we might be able to talk a little boy into releasing him in the spring!

  6. A pet frog--cool! Great shot, too, with those bulbous eyes so perfectly in focus.
